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First day at PV

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Hi Guys!

How’s life in Holland? How are you!?

First of all! I love it hereSmile But I hated to leave you all at the airport I felt so bad knowing I’m gonna have a great year and you guys have to live your live you’ve always done it but now without me.

I’m sorry I left youSmile I wish I could take you all up to here and show how wonderfull and great everything isSmile I love it already!

My first Flight from Holland to Chicago was great. There was a really nice stewardess Linda and every hour she came ask me if everything was okay and I got drinks and twix and chips from here. She was really nice! And we had a really nice talk about what I’m doing here! She delivered me to another girl from Chicago airport she was not really nice she talked very ‘black american’ if you know what I mean so it was hard to understand. But it was nice I was with her so I hadn’t to wait in line we could just stand in front and we didn’t have to wait. My bags were there in 10 minutes and than we put them on another band for my next flight. After that we went on a train at the airport to go to the other side. I’d never found that without here. She brought me to a room with other UM’s and I had a really nice chat with another girl. I had to wait for half an hour and then I could already board for my flight to Kansas city. The flight only took like 2.5 hours I guess.

When I came off the plan on Kansas City I could see Jenny (mom), Adam (brother/twin) & Don (IC) standing with a board waiting for me! I couldn’t get the smile of my face. I was so happy to be there and very tired I slept for only an hour on the plane. When we were waiting for my bags only my suitcase came not my blue bag so we went to an office there and they told me it was still at Chicago and it will be there the next flight and then they bring it to my house. So I didn’t care! Everything was gonna be alright. We said goodbye to Don and went home. First we picked up the dogs on our way home. They were at a salon to brush and wash them. That’s normal there can you imagine all our dogs at a beauty salon! The dogs are very nice and fluffy! Oh and the temperature is so nice it’s like 29 but everywhere is ‘good’ airco not to cold as in the supermarket sometimes. But Jenny & Adam said that they went golfing this afternoon and it was to hot to do that.

At home they showed me the house, it’s such a lovely house and they have a lot of really nice art everywhere. Than we changed and watched the Olympics for a while. Everybody follows the Olympics here. It’s nice I’m still for Holland but when they don’t make the qualifications I’m for USA

Then we went to the golfclub! It’s so coolSmile You know High school musical2! Well it’s like that with a pool and tennis courts, and a really nice dinning room and bar everythingSmile And the view and the weather is so nice!

Adam showed me around next time will go swimming. After I’d seen almost everything we orderd something at the bar but we weren’t aloud to sit at the bar because we were under 21! First I thought she was joking! But they were serious. Weird people!

After our drink the family came in! So I’ve already met a lot of people, and there al so happy and nice! They introduced me to almost everyone who came bay. They know a lot of people out there. And I’m introduced to everyone as Sanne the exchange student ‘Adams new Twin’ because where almost the same age. My new cousins were there to David from 18 he’s going to collage next week he’s pretty cool! And little Tommy he’s 11. Dinner was nice I had really nice salad. They also have a lot of healthy food so I’m not afraid of getting fat!

After dinner we went home and skyped with Allison their daughter at LA she’s so cool and nice! She’ll be here next week I guess and she want to show me everything and I can borrow anything from here. She’s so cool! She went to the market and bought a lot of cool things she’s so funny as well.

I haven’t met me dad yet because he’s with Amy (me other sister).

After skyping with Allison Adam & I went to a couple of friends of him. It was really fun they can’t go out in the village so they just hangout at the playground. But there where a lot of mosquitoes so we went to a friends house because he had a pool with salt water so there weren’t many mosquitoes. He also have a hot tub and a trampoline and a cool tree house. The houses here are so big and a lot off them have a pool or hot tub.

And his friends were so nice to me and very interested they want to know everything about Amsterdam.

First I said I was from Holland and they where like: Okay, cool. And than Adam said I was from Amsterdam and they were like: Amsterdam is that in HOLLANDSmile Cool and they have seen eurotrip so they asked if it was like that.

And Adam has a car called ‘the white tiger’ it’s so weird to sit next to someone your age driving a car!

Oh and at dinner we talked about what I definitely should do when I’m in the U.S. and I need to go to Disneyland or another big attraction park. And in springbreak we probably go to California oh and tomorrow I’ll go to the lake with Adam and David and some of their friends. We go wakeboarding and waterskiing. Oh and Samantha was really sad that I wasn’t gonna be staying with them so I’ll probably go there with Christmas and go snowboarding with them. And I probably go to Florida with Kate and her parents (I forget their names).

Oh and today I’m going to my school it’s under construction right now so everything looked messy. I met my counsellor and she was really nice!

It’s such a difference than Holland. Everybody here takes his time to make a nice chat with each other and there very interested in everybody. And there so much friendlier and happier than people in Holland.

Well I got my scatual and I have good teachers. Here you have really good teachers and really bad teachers. And they made sure I got all the good teachers.

In high school you’ve got 4 years. You’ve got freshman’s (14/15) Sophomores (15/16) and Juniors (16/17) and Seniors (17/18years). I would be a sophomore but they signed me up as a Senior so I can get all subjects I want and I have a lot extra, I can graduate if I want. I probably gonna do that so I get a High school diploma And than I’ll were a cap and long kind of dress thing.. you know you see it in movies when they graduate. I also got a parking spot witch is pretty cool because other wise we would have parked somewhere else because only Seniors get parking spots. So now Adam & I don’t have to walk.

So my school starts at 7.40 so that’s really early! And my sketual is:

Monday: US History, Psychology what is pretty cool says everybody. Than I have gymnastics and drama. Right know I’m involved with German 3 but if I’m better I can switch to German 4 but it’s really hard to understand English people speaking German! After German I do algebra 2 what is the easy level they say. And they have things I already had so maybe I won’t be the dome one in this class. And at last and least English 11 that’s really hard everyone says because I’ve to read English literature and it will be all seniors and they already think it’s hard.. so for me it would even harder but I’ll give it a try.

If these thinks doesn’t work at all I’d just go to my counsellor and she’ll help me out. Second semester my psychology will be photography and if I want to change something by than I can switch.

Today we also went to the bikeshop. We got their bikes fixt because it was all dusty and the bands needed some air. So we fixt that and here on the road you’ve to wear a helmet. It’s against the law to ride without a helmet! Can you imagine me with a helmet on a bike! Come on I’m not a GermanSmile!

I went to a Social Ice Cream meeting at school! It was okay. I met a lot of people there from the school and the other exchange students. There’s one from Bangladesh she seemed pretty boring and one from Norway she’s 17 or 18 but she look like she’s 20 or something, she was okay but she wore so much make-up! But she’s really nice but they all are a little bit shy. Oh and there was this girl Julie she’s a junior she and Adam showed me around the school. It was a really big school with 2 gyms a pool and 2 theatres. But the school was a really mess because it’s under construction but everybody was saying like I don’t know if it will be ready by Friday so maybe we’ll start on Monday. Oh and there was another girl I can’t remember her name but she was on the swimmingteam last year and she loved it and told me I should try it. So ill probably do that when the swim season starts. And I’ve gymnastics in my package so if I’m good at that I can join the gym team after school.

This night we watched the Olympics and than a few friends of Adam came. Haily, Ashley, Conner, Alex & Jeff. We watched a movie and played pool. I’m so bad at it but they told me when I come home I’ll be the best. So I guess I’ll be playing a lot of pool here. And after that I went to bed because I'm still tired of the jetlag.


Sanne Postma (13-8-2008)
Hoe jammer nou, het systeem kent je niet!
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